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Obrázek podcastu Huberman Lab

Podcast Huberman Lab

239 epizod

6 odběratelů

Obrázek epizody AMA #17: Making Time for Fitness, Top Sleep Tools & Best Learning Strategies

AMA #17: Making Time for Fitness, Top Sleep Tools & Best Learning Strategies

30. 4. 2024

25 min

Obrázek epizody Protocols to Strengthen & Pain Proof Your Back

Protocols to Strengthen & Pain Proof Your Back

29. 4. 2024

2 hod 8 min

Obrázek epizody GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Using Sleep to Improve Learning, Creativity & Memory

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Using Sleep to Improve Learning, Creativity & Memory

24. 4. 2024

2 hod 28 min

Obrázek epizody Dr. Bonnie Halpern-Felsher: Vaping, Alcohol Use & Other Risky Youth Behaviors

Dr. Bonnie Halpern-Felsher: Vaping, Alcohol Use & Other Risky Youth Behaviors

22. 4. 2024

2 hod 31 min

Obrázek epizody LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at the Sydney Opera House

LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at the Sydney Opera House

19. 4. 2024

52 min

Obrázek epizody GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: How to Structure Your Sleep, Use Naps & Time Caffeine

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: How to Structure Your Sleep, Use Naps & Time Caffeine

17. 4. 2024

2 hod 18 min

Obrázek epizody Dr. David Yeager: How to Master Growth Mindset to Improve Performance

Dr. David Yeager: How to Master Growth Mindset to Improve Performance

15. 4. 2024

2 hod 26 min

Obrázek epizody GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Protocols to Improve Your Sleep

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Protocols to Improve Your Sleep

10. 4. 2024

2 hod 42 min

Obrázek epizody Coleman Ruiz: Overcoming Physical & Emotional Challenges

Coleman Ruiz: Overcoming Physical & Emotional Challenges

8. 4. 2024

3 hod 18 min

Obrázek epizody GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: The Biology of Sleep & Your Unique Sleep Needs

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: The Biology of Sleep & Your Unique Sleep Needs

3. 4. 2024

2 hod 59 min

Obrázek epizody Benefits & Risks of Peptide Therapeutics for Physical & Mental Health

Benefits & Risks of Peptide Therapeutics for Physical & Mental Health

1. 4. 2024

1 hod 26 min

Obrázek epizody Asi Wind: What Magic & Mind Reading Reveal About the Brain

Asi Wind: What Magic & Mind Reading Reveal About the Brain

25. 3. 2024

2 hod 51 min

Obrázek epizody LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at Plenary in Melbourne

LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at Plenary in Melbourne

22. 3. 2024

58 min

Obrázek epizody Dr. E.J. Chichilnisky: How the Brain Works, Curing Blindness & How to Navigate a Career Path

Dr. E.J. Chichilnisky: How the Brain Works, Curing Blindness & How to Navigate a Career Path

18. 3. 2024

2 hod 0 min

Obrázek epizody Dr. Cal Newport: How to Enhance Focus and Improve Productivity

Dr. Cal Newport: How to Enhance Focus and Improve Productivity

11. 3. 2024

2 hod 56 min

Obrázek epizody How Placebo Effects Work to Change Our Biology & Psychology

How Placebo Effects Work to Change Our Biology & Psychology

4. 3. 2024

1 hod 18 min

Obrázek epizody AMA #16: Sleep, Vertigo, TBI, OCD, Tips for Travelers, Gut-Brain Axis & More

AMA #16: Sleep, Vertigo, TBI, OCD, Tips for Travelers, Gut-Brain Axis & More

1. 3. 2024

56 min

Obrázek epizody Dr. Becky Kennedy: Protocols for Excellent Parenting & Improving Relationships of All Kinds

Dr. Becky Kennedy: Protocols for Excellent Parenting & Improving Relationships of All Kinds

26. 2. 2024

2 hod 54 min

Obrázek epizody Dr. Mark D'Esposito: How to Optimize Cognitive Function & Brain Health

Dr. Mark D'Esposito: How to Optimize Cognitive Function & Brain Health

19. 2. 2024

2 hod 32 min

Obrázek epizody How to Improve Oral Health & Its Critical Role in Brain & Body Health

How to Improve Oral Health & Its Critical Role in Brain & Body Health

12. 2. 2024

2 hod 0 min

Obrázek epizody Dr. Kay Tye: The Biology of Social Interactions and Emotions

Dr. Kay Tye: The Biology of Social Interactions and Emotions

5. 2. 2024

2 hod 31 min

Obrázek epizody AMA #15: Fluoride Benefits/Risks & Vagus Nerve Stimulation

AMA #15: Fluoride Benefits/Risks & Vagus Nerve Stimulation

1. 2. 2024

29 min

Obrázek epizody Tools to Enhance Working Memory & Attention

Tools to Enhance Working Memory & Attention

29. 1. 2024

1 hod 31 min

Obrázek epizody Journal Club with Dr. Peter Attia | Effects of Light & Dark on Mental Health & Treatments for Cancer

Journal Club with Dr. Peter Attia | Effects of Light & Dark on Mental Health & Treatments for Cancer

22. 1. 2024

3 hod 8 min

Obrázek epizody Dr. Sean Mackey: Tools to Reduce & Manage Pain

Dr. Sean Mackey: Tools to Reduce & Manage Pain

15. 1. 2024

2 hod 56 min