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Obrázek epizody Why is the UK suffering HRT shortages?

Science Weekly

The Guardian

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Why is the UK suffering HRT shortages?

Obrázek epizody Why is the UK suffering HRT shortages?

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5. 5. 2022

10 min

From hot flushes and flooding to memory problems and depression, for many the menopause can be both distressing and debilitating. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can alleviate some of these symptoms by boosting levels of hormones that wane as women get older. But the UK is experiencing an acute shortage of certain HRT products, leaving some without the medication they need. Madeleine Finlay hears from Guardian reader Sara about the impact of HRT shortages on her life, and speaks to science reporter Nicola Davis about why demand isn’t being met and what’s being done to fix the problem. Help support our independent journalism at