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Obrázek epizody What are we missing out on by not talking to strangers?

Science Weekly

The Guardian

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What are we missing out on by not talking to strangers?

Obrázek epizody What are we missing out on by not talking to strangers?

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9. 3. 2021

29 min

Social distancing measures mean most of us now have very little opportunity to talk to strangers and acquaintances. These chats might seem insignificant, but they can provide lots of psychological benefits. To find out more, Linda Geddes speaks to Gillian Sandstrom about what we’re currently missing out on. And, when told Gillian finds finishing a chat particularly hard, Linda gets in touch with the author of a recent paper asking why we find it so challenging to end a conversation. Help support our independent journalism at

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Twice a week, the Guardian brings you the latest science and environment news