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Obrázek epizody Retinol, acids and serums for kids? A dermatologist’s guide to age appropriate skincare

Science Weekly

The Guardian

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Retinol, acids and serums for kids? A dermatologist’s guide to age appropriate skincare

Obrázek epizody Retinol, acids and serums for kids? A dermatologist’s guide to age appropriate skincare

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13. 2. 2024

14 min

Last month the British Association of Dermatologists warned that children as young as eight years old were using potentially damaging anti-ageing skin care products. Madeleine Finlay speaks to consultant dermatologist Dr Emma Wedgeworth about where this trend has come from, what damage these products might be causing to young skin and how we can all look after our skin without spending too much time and money. Help support our independent journalism at