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Obrázek epizody Preventable author Devi Sridhar on how she handles Covid trolls

Science Weekly

The Guardian

Věda a technika

Preventable author Devi Sridhar on how she handles Covid trolls

Obrázek epizody Preventable author Devi Sridhar on how she handles Covid trolls

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26. 4. 2022

14 min

As the news came out of China that there was a new virus infecting humans, scientists around the world promptly got to work sequencing genomes, gathering data and communicating what they found with the public. One of the scientists catapulted into the public eye was Devi Sridhar, a professor in global public health. Soon, she was advising the Scottish government on their Covid strategy, regularly appearing on TV and had gained a big social media following. Ian Sample speaks to Sridhar about her experience of the pandemic so far, what it was like working alongside politicians, and what she’s learned from it all. Help support our independent journalism at