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Obrázek epizody ‘Lesbian’ seagulls and ‘gay’ rams: the endless sexual diversity of nature

Science Weekly

The Guardian

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‘Lesbian’ seagulls and ‘gay’ rams: the endless sexual diversity of nature

Obrázek epizody ‘Lesbian’ seagulls and ‘gay’ rams: the endless sexual diversity of nature

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11. 7. 2024

19 min

Same-sex sexual behaviours have been reported in a wide variety of species, and a new study suggests that, although animal scientists widely observe it, they seldom publish about same-sex sexual behaviour in primates and other mammals. To find out why and to hear about some of the examples of sexual diversity from the animal kingdom, Ian Sample hears from Josh Davis, a science writer at the Natural History Museum in London and author of the book A Little Gay Natural History. Help support our independent journalism at