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Obrázek epizody End of an era: Britain finally says goodbye to coal

Science Weekly

The Guardian

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End of an era: Britain finally says goodbye to coal

Obrázek epizody End of an era: Britain finally says goodbye to coal

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30. 9. 2024

19 min

O epizodě podcastu

Just before Britain’s last coal fired power station Ratcliffe-on-Soar powered down for the final time, Madeleine Finlay travelled to Nottinghamshire with energy correspondent Jillian Ambrose for a last tour of the site. Britain is the first major economy to move away from coal entirely as it strives to meet the target of net zero by 2030. Jillian and Madeleine speak to employees Peter and Pete to find out what working at the plant has meant to them, and how they’re feeling as the closing date approaches.. Help support our independent journalism at
Just before Britain’s last coal-fired power station, Ratcliffe-on-Soar, powered down for the final time, Madeleine Finlay travelled to Nottinghamshire with energy correspondent Jillian Ambrose for a last tour of the site. Britain is the first major economy to move away from coal entirely as it strives to meet the target of net zero by 2030. Jillian and Madeleine speak to employees to find out what working at the plant has meant to them, and how they’re feeling as the closing date approaches. Help support our independent journalism at