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Obrázek epizody Coronavirus: Labs Go Dark

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Coronavirus: Labs Go Dark

Obrázek epizody Coronavirus: Labs Go Dark

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29. 5. 2020

25 min

O epizodě podcastu

Life is on pause for many of us right now. But scientists don’t want to stop! Researchers have had to figure out how to keep experiments going and keep lab animals alive — all while keeping themselves safe. To find out how they’re managing it, we talk to evolutionary biologist Dr. Ximena Bernal, plant biologist Professor Frank Telewski, marine conservation biologist Christine Figgener, and station manager Erin Heard. Here’s a link to our transcript: This episode was produced by Laura Morris with help from me Wendy Zukerman, Rose Rimler, Meryl Horn, Mathilde Urfalino, Michelle Dang and Sinduja Srinivasan. We’re edited by Blythe Terrell with help from Caitlin Kenney and Alex Blumberg. Fact checking by Diane Kelly. Mix and sound design by Peter Leonard. Music written by Peter Leonard, Marcas Bagala, Emma Munger, and Bobby Lord. A big thanks to everyone who left us messages and spoke to us - including Dr. Stella Capoccia, Dr. Alessandra Fidelis, Professor Marco Festa-Bianchet, Dr. Joanna Joiner, Anjana Parandhaman, and Mike Pendleton. And a special thanks to the Zukerman Family, Joseph Lavelle Wilson and Jack Weinstein.
Life is on pause for many of us right now. But scientists don’t want to stop! Researchers have had to figure out how to keep experiments going and keep lab animals alive — all while keeping themselves safe. To find out how they’re managing it, we talk to evolutionary biologist Dr. Ximena Bernal, plant biologist Professor Frank Telewski, marine conservation biologist Christine Figgener, and station manager Erin Heard. Here’s a link to our transcript: This episode was produced by Laura Morris with help from me Wendy Zukerman, Rose Rimler, Meryl Horn, Mathilde Urfalino, Michelle Dang and Sinduja Srinivasan. We’re edited by Blythe Terrell with help from Caitlin Kenney and Alex Blumberg. Fact checking by Diane Kelly. Mix and sound design by Peter Leonard. Music written by Peter Leonard, Marcus Bagala, Emma Munger, and Bobby Lord. A big thanks to everyone who left us messages and spoke to us - including Dr. Stella Capoccia, Dr. Alessandra Fidelis, Professor Marco Festa-Bianchet, Dr. Joanna Joiner, Anjana Parandhaman, and Mike Pendleton. And a special thanks to the Zukerman Family, Joseph Lavelle Wilson and Jack Weinstein. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit