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Obrázek epizody TV shows are already weaving in COVID-19 storylines | Learn the expression ‘skirt the issue’

Plain English

Jeff B. |



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TV shows are already weaving in COVID-19 storylines | Learn the expression ‘skirt the issue’

Obrázek epizody TV shows are already weaving in COVID-19 storylines | Learn the expression ‘skirt the issue’

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1. 3. 2021

23 min

O epizodě podcastu

It was only a matter of time before the pandemic made its way into pop culture, and some TV shows have already started airing COVID-19 inspired storylines. But is it too soon? This lesson evaluates three popular TV shows that incorporated the coronavirus

It was only a matter of time before the pandemic made its way into pop culture, and some TV shows have already started airing COVID-19 inspired storylines. But is it too soon? This lesson evaluates three popular TV shows that incorporated the coronavirusMentioned in this episode:Ready to improve your listening?Ready to listen fast? Improve your listening with the fast version of this and every episode. The full-speed version is a fresh recording and it sounds just like someone speaking to a native speaker (with no AI or computer manipulation!) You can even listen on a podcast app Sign up for a free 14-day trial at Free Sample LessonsCheck out the free sample lessons by following this link: