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Obrázek epizody TV shows are already weaving in COVID-19 storylines | Learn the expression ‘skirt the issue’

Plain English

Jeff B. |



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TV shows are already weaving in COVID-19 storylines | Learn the expression ‘skirt the issue’

Obrázek epizody TV shows are already weaving in COVID-19 storylines | Learn the expression ‘skirt the issue’

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1. 3. 2021

23 min

O epizodě podcastu

It was only a matter of time before the pandemic made its way into pop culture, and some TV shows have already started airing COVID-19 inspired storylines. But is it too soon? This lesson evaluates three popular TV shows that incorporated the coronavirus

It was only a matter of time before the pandemic made its way into pop culture, and some TV shows have already started airing COVID-19 inspired storylines. But is it too soon? This lesson evaluates three popular TV shows that incorporated the coronavirusMentioned in this episode:Practice what you learn (and get human feedback)Don't just listen to the expression: put it into practice! Every time you learn an expression at Plain English, write your own example using that expression. And then an expert English speaker will read your example and give you personal feedback on how to improve. Sign up for a free 14-day trial at