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Obrázek epizody These contractions break the rules

Plain English

Jeff B. |



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These contractions break the rules

Obrázek epizody These contractions break the rules

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13 min

Today's story: Most contractions in English are simple combinations of two words, like “you’re” for “you are.” But some contractions don’t follow the usual pattern. In this lesson, we explore three unusual contractions—“ma’am,” “o’clock,” and “ain’t”—their origins, meanings, and when (or if) you should use them.Transcript & Exercises: all your skills in English: Plain English is the best current-events podcast for learning English.You might be learning English to improve your career, enjoy music and movies, connect with family abroad, or even prepare for an international move. Whatever your reason, we'll help you achieve your goals in English.How it works: Listen to a new story every Monday and Thursday. They're all about current events, trending topics, and what's going on in the world. Get exposure to new words and ideas that you otherwise might not have heard in English.The audio moves at a speed that's right for intermediate English learners: just a little slower than full native speed. You'll improve your English listening, learn new words, and have fun thinking in English.--Did you like this episode? You'll love the full Plain English experience. Join today and unlock the fast (native-speed) version of this episode, translations in the transcripts, how-to video lessons, live conversation calls, and more. Tap/click:'s where else you can find us: Instagram | YouTube | WhatsApp | EmailMentioned in this episode:Ready to improve your listening?Ready to listen fast? Improve your listening with the fast version of this and every episode. The full-speed version is a fresh recording and it sounds just like someone speaking to a native speaker (with no AI or computer manipulation!) You can even listen on a podcast app Sign up for a free 14-day trial at