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Obrázek epizody Chinese pilot a hero after mid-air accident | Learn English phrase, ‘hailed as a hero’

Plain English | Improve your English with current events

Jeff B. |



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Chinese pilot a hero after mid-air accident | Learn English phrase, ‘hailed as a hero’

Obrázek epizody Chinese pilot a hero after mid-air accident | Learn English phrase, ‘hailed as a hero’

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28. 5. 2018

14 min

On Plain English’s 50th episode: Captain Liu Chuanjian landed a Sichuan Airlines flight safely after its windshield blew out mid-air, 32,000 feet above ground. The co-pilot was sucked halfway out of the plane and the temperature and air pressure in the cockpit plummeted. Captain Liu is being “hailed as a hero” for his efforts to save the plane—and learn how to use “hailed as a hero” in English.

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