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Obrázek epizody Episode #026 ... Thomas Hobbes pt. 1 - The Social Contract

Philosophize This!

Stephen West






Episode #026 ... Thomas Hobbes pt. 1 - The Social Contract

Obrázek epizody Episode #026 ... Thomas Hobbes pt. 1 - The Social Contract

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17. 6. 2014

30 min

O epizodě podcastu

On this episode of the podcast, we learn about Thomas Hobbes. We first ask ourselves what it would be like to live in a society with no laws or government, much like the scenario depicted in The Purge. Next, we question whether or not humans are inherently selfish and how this affects the way we relate to each other. Finally, we find out why society needs a quarterback, so to speak, and why it’s important that we follow his playbook even when we don’t understand the plays. All this and more on the latest episode of Philosophize This!

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Thank you for wanting to know more today than you did yesterday. :)

On this episode of the podcast, we learn about Thomas Hobbes. We first ask ourselves what it would be like to live in a society with no laws or government, much like the scenario depicted in The Purge. Next, we question whether or not humans are inherently selfish and how this affects the way we relate to each other. Finally, we find out why society needs a quarterback, so to speak, and why it’s important that we follow his playbook even when we don’t understand the plays. All this and more on the latest episode of Philosophize This! Thank you so much for listening! Could never do this without your help.  Website: Patreon:  Social: Instagram: X: Facebook: