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Obrázek epizody Why We Still Use 40yr Old Mail Trucks - Past Gas #267

Past Gas by Donut Media








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Why We Still Use 40yr Old Mail Trucks - Past Gas #267

Obrázek epizody Why We Still Use 40yr Old Mail Trucks - Past Gas #267

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16. 12. 2024

51 min

Exclusive $45-off Carver Mat at Use code PASTGAS at checkout to save! Also thanks to Yamaha for sponsoring this podcast! Check out the all-new WOLVERINE RMAX4 1000 at today. Join us as we explore the history of the boxy USPS Mail Truck, aka the Grumman Long Life Vehicle. How did this vehicle come to be, why is it so horrible and why hasn't it been replaced yet? Find out this and more on this week's episode! More about Show: Follow Nolan on IG and Twitter @nolanjsykes.   Follow Joe on IG and Twitter @joegweber. Follow Donut @donutmedia, and subscribe to our Youtube and Facebook channels!   Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or using this link: If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be helpful! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit