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Obrázek epizody PROGRAMME 9: The full Monty!

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PROGRAMME 9: The full Monty!

Obrázek epizody PROGRAMME 9: The full Monty!

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11. 8. 2019

5 min

Now that’s a catch phrase from a film – the film title this time. I mean, people often don’t take film titles and make them catch phrases. M-o-n-t-y, a name (capital 'M'). Now it had existed before as a phrase – but this was a new film, in 1997, a British film about a group of unemployed men, who take their clothes off to earn some money. In fact the origin of the word is back in the 1980s, a rather obscure word actually – nobody quite knows where it comes from. It might have come from a firm of clothing manufacturers, famous men’s tailors called 'Montague Burton', a complete suit of clothing in the 1970s, -80s, and say, we were "wearing the full Monty" – and of course, talking about the lack of clothing since the film came along. So in another words, the modern meaning of the phrase is "everything that we need" or "…is appropriate". If you’re packing a suitcase you might say "I’ve got the full Monty" now; you’re packing a car, "I’ve got the full Monty"; and when this programme is over, you’ll have had "the full Monty" ….at least about this expression, too! a catch phrase - okřídlené rčení full Monty - všechno, co potřebujeme, všechno, co je třeba unemployed - nezaměstnaný they take their clothes off - svlékají se where it comes from - odkud to pochází wearing the full Monty - od hlavy až k patě oblečen od Montyho appropriate - příslušný