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Obrázek epizody "Putin is a malignant narcissist, he never admits he's wrong," says Harvard psychology professor Pinker

Hyde Park Civilizace

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"Putin is a malignant narcissist, he never admits he's wrong," says Harvard psychology professor Pinker

Obrázek epizody "Putin is a malignant narcissist, he never admits he's wrong," says Harvard psychology professor Pinker

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55 min

Steven Pinker, a world-renowned experimental psychologist from Harvard University, studies human nature. He argues that people want the best story. Ideally, strong emotions - a battle of good and evil. He also advises on how to explain to someone that what they believe is not reality, but conspiracy.Why don't we realize that the world, as he himself describes, is becoming a safer and a better place? What are the advantages of democracy? Why did Russia go down the path of tyranny? And how did he happen to smoke even less marijuana than Bill Clinton?