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Obrázek epizody Introducing 'Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature' | Ep. 1, The Visitors

Disney Magic of Storytelling


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Introducing 'Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature' | Ep. 1, The Visitors

Obrázek epizody Introducing 'Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature' | Ep. 1, The Visitors

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18. 11. 2023

19 min

O epizodě podcastu

Today we're bringing you the first episode of the brand new "Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature" podcast! In this episode we meet some new visitors to Arendelle, a broken waterwheel is fixed, we learn about a law of thermodynamics and star gazing brings us closer together. Enjoy this series for free on Apple Podcasts (, Spotify (, or your platform of choice!
Today we're bringing you the first episode of the brand new "Disney Frozen: Forces of Nature" podcast! In this episode we meet some new visitors to Arendelle, a broken waterwheel is fixed, we learn about a law of thermodynamics and star gazing brings us closer together. Enjoy this series for free on Apple Podcasts (, Spotify (, or your platform of choice! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit