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Obrázek epizody Morgan Stewart McGraw: Boobs and Loubs (FBF)

Call Her Daddy

Barstool Sports


Morgan Stewart McGraw: Boobs and Loubs (FBF)

Obrázek epizody Morgan Stewart McGraw: Boobs and Loubs (FBF)

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3. 5. 2024

52 min

O epizodě podcastu

Morgan Stewart McGraw joins Call Her Daddy to give us the advice we all need to hear. Morgan hits us with some hard fashion truths … say goodbye to your cut-out dresses, wedges, and even your beloved ankle boots. She opens up about her marriage to musician Jordan McGraw, and discusses how the two found their way back to each other after almost ten years apart. Morgan shares what it’s like to have Dr. Phil as a father-in-law and whether or not it’s too much living in the same city as your parents and in-laws. The pair discuss everything from weddings and the end of bridesmaids as we know it, to celebrity hall passes, to befriending strangers when drunk, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Morgan Stewart McGraw joins Call Her Daddy to give us the advice we all need to hear. Morgan hits us with some hard fashion truths … say goodbye to your cut-out dresses, wedges, and even your beloved ankle boots. She opens up about her marriage to musician Jordan McGraw, and discusses how the two found their way back to each other after almost ten years apart. Morgan shares what it’s like to have Dr. Phil as a father-in-law and whether or not it’s too much living in the same city as your parents and in-laws. The pair discuss everything from weddings and the end of bridesmaids as we know it, to celebrity hall passes, to befriending strangers when drunk, and more.