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Obrázek epizody Jackie Schimmel: Confident Girls > Mean Girls (FBF)

Call Her Daddy

Barstool Sports


Jackie Schimmel: Confident Girls > Mean Girls (FBF)

Obrázek epizody Jackie Schimmel: Confident Girls > Mean Girls (FBF)

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29. 11. 2024

1 hod 7 min

Jackie Schimmel joins Call Her Daddy and she has a lot to say. After roasting the CHD studio, Jackie reflects on her personal evolution and how she went from a gingivitis-having, headgear-wearing preteen to the beautiful Bitch Bible creator she is today. Jackie is so recklessly confident that she faked a diploma from UCLA in order to get a job - and it worked. We’ve all encountered a high school or college mean girl, but how do we handle mean girls in adulthood? Alex and Jackie discuss their experiences with mean women and give advice on how to respond with humor. Jackie opens up about the loss of her mom. She shares how she handles grief and advises exactly what NOT to say to someone who is dealing with loss. Jackie comes in hot this episode to defend the ankle boot, praise super-ultra tampons and compare her local Home Depot to the Victoria’s Secret runway.