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Obrázek epizody Emma Chamberlain - Part 2 (FBF)

Call Her Daddy

Barstool Sports


Emma Chamberlain - Part 2 (FBF)

Obrázek epizody Emma Chamberlain - Part 2 (FBF)

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1 hod 14 min

This week, Father Cooper sits down with Emma Chamberlain for the second part of their conversation. Emma recalls feeling used by other Youtubers in order to gain views and how she was burned by the people she once looked up to. The pair discuss feeling out of control of their public perception and the need to consequently address and debunk fake rumors. Emma describes the anxiety she experiences as a result of constantly being surveillanced while out in public and the feeling of wanting to disappear. Let’s get into relationships and sex. Emma opens up about her struggles with her sexual identity, her ex-boyfriend, AND her new relationship. We also learn how Emma lost her virginity, what her favorite style of sex is, and what gives her the ick. Enjoy daddies!