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Obrázek epizody “Block him”- My therapist

Call Her Daddy

Barstool Sports


“Block him”- My therapist

Obrázek epizody “Block him”- My therapist

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14. 7. 2021

1 hod 4 min

This week, we begin the episode STILL in the fucking Hamptons. You thought things couldn’t get any wilder from last week? Oh, you thought wrong…get ready to meet the neighbors. Once Father Cooper finally makes it to Chicago she changes the pace up a bit and sits down with Lauren to discuss some therapist approved dating advice. Big Al and Lar chat about blocking, second dates, deciding what your type is and so much more. But of course, Chicago couldn’t come to a close without one wild night out. Father Cooper finally has her debut on stage and delivers an impromptu performance. Last, but surely not least, Big Al meets up with the daddy gang in Chicago for a LIVE questions of the week. Buckle up, because this episode is filled with surprises. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit