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Obrázek epizody 25- Post D*ck Appointment Flashbacks

Call Her Daddy

Barstool Sports


25- Post D*ck Appointment Flashbacks

Obrázek epizody 25- Post D*ck Appointment Flashbacks

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6. 3. 2019

1 hod

O epizodě podcastu

The girls discuss their crazy weekend, as Alex traveled to see a man and Sofia headed back to her hometown. They also give men brilliant pointers regarding their Instagram picture game (including some huge instagram DONT'S) and introduce the rotisserie chicken move that all freaks needs to be using in the bedroom. Finally, Sofia tells a horror story of a past relationship as well as her complicated relationship with Kid Cudi.

The girls discuss their crazy weekend, as Alex traveled to see a man and Sofia headed back to her hometown. They also give men brilliant pointers regarding their Instagram picture game (including some huge instagram DONT'S) and introduce the rotisserie chicken move that all freaks needs to be using in the bedroom. Finally, Sofia tells a horror story of a past relationship as well as her complicated relationship with Kid Cudi. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit