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Obrázek epizody 113- How to Trick Him into Proposing (ft. Hannah Berner)

Call Her Daddy

Barstool Sports


113- How to Trick Him into Proposing (ft. Hannah Berner)

Obrázek epizody 113- How to Trick Him into Proposing (ft. Hannah Berner)

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10. 3. 2021

1 hod 14 min

This week’s episode, Father Cooper is joined by OG guest and fan favorite, Hannah Berner. AND IT’S A BIG ONE BABY. Hannah sits in the hot seat and details for the Daddy Gang how she managed to get a man on TWO knees and propose to her. The dirty details of how unglamorous engagements are, picking out your own ring, putting a ring on chubby fingers, and the awful bachelor show effect on love will all be discussed on this week’s ep. AND IT DOESN’T STOP THERE. It gets even juicier when the girl’s get deep and talk how social media has effected their mental health and the issues they have come to face through hate and the podcast industry. ENJOY DADDIES!!!