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Obrázek podcastu But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

Podcast But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

222 epizod

9 odběratelů

But Why is a show led by kids. They ask the questions and we find the answers. It’s a big interesting world out there. On But Why, we tackle topics large and small, about nature, words, even the end of the world. Know a kid with a question? Record it with a smartphone.
Obrázek epizody But Why: Intro For Adults

But Why: Intro For Adults

1. 4. 2016

4 min

Obrázek epizody How Do Bears Sleep All Winter?

How Do Bears Sleep All Winter?

1. 4. 2016

22 min

Obrázek epizody What Is The End Of The World Going To Feel Like?

What Is The End Of The World Going To Feel Like?

15. 4. 2016

22 min

Obrázek epizody How Does Music Move Us?

How Does Music Move Us?

29. 4. 2016

19 min

Obrázek epizody Who Invented Words?

Who Invented Words?

13. 5. 2016

16 min

Obrázek epizody Why Do People Have Different Religions?

Why Do People Have Different Religions?

27. 5. 2016

19 min

Obrázek epizody How Do You Make Paint?

How Do You Make Paint?

10. 6. 2016

24 min

Obrázek epizody Special Episode: How Do You Talk To Kids About Violence In The News?

Special Episode: How Do You Talk To Kids About Violence In The News?

13. 6. 2016

20 min

Obrázek epizody Why Is The Sky Blue?

Why Is The Sky Blue?

24. 6. 2016

12 min

Obrázek epizody How Does It Feel When Your Family Changes?

How Does It Feel When Your Family Changes?

8. 7. 2016

16 min

Obrázek epizody How Does An Engine Work?

How Does An Engine Work?

22. 7. 2016

13 min

Obrázek epizody Why Don't Bicycles Fall Over?

Why Don't Bicycles Fall Over?

5. 8. 2016

22 min

Obrázek epizody Do Bumblebees Have Hearts?

Do Bumblebees Have Hearts?

19. 8. 2016

21 min

Obrázek epizody How Long Does It Take For A Baby Cheetah To Go From Fluffball To Hunter?

How Long Does It Take For A Baby Cheetah To Go From Fluffball To Hunter?

2. 9. 2016

14 min

Obrázek epizody Why Is Soccer Called 'Soccer' Instead Of 'Football'?

Why Is Soccer Called 'Soccer' Instead Of 'Football'?

16. 9. 2016

12 min

Obrázek epizody Why Is The Sea Salty?

Why Is The Sea Salty?

30. 9. 2016

24 min

Obrázek epizody Who Invented The President?

Who Invented The President?

14. 10. 2016

21 min

Obrázek epizody Why Do Geese Fly In The Shape Of A 'V'?

Why Do Geese Fly In The Shape Of A 'V'?

28. 10. 2016

22 min

Obrázek epizody Ghosts And Fairies And Gnomes, Oh My!

Ghosts And Fairies And Gnomes, Oh My!

11. 11. 2016

17 min

Obrázek epizody Why Do We Like To Eat Certain Foods?

Why Do We Like To Eat Certain Foods?

22. 11. 2016

25 min

Obrázek epizody Thanksgiving Special: What Made The Turkey Trot To Boston?

Thanksgiving Special: What Made The Turkey Trot To Boston?

22. 11. 2016

10 min

Obrázek epizody What's What With The Weather?

What's What With The Weather?

9. 12. 2016

28 min

Obrázek epizody How Is Chocolate Made?

How Is Chocolate Made?

23. 12. 2016

24 min

Obrázek epizody Why Is The World Split Into Countries?

Why Is The World Split Into Countries?

6. 1. 2017

24 min

Obrázek epizody How do popcorn kernels pop?

How do popcorn kernels pop?

20. 1. 2017

27 min