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Obrázek epizody What’s Your Idea To Clean Up The Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

Vermont Public Radio

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What’s Your Idea To Clean Up The Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

Obrázek epizody What’s Your Idea To Clean Up The Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

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26. 2. 2021

18 min

O epizodě podcastu

In 2019, we answered a question about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a huge mass of plastic and other trash swirling around in the Pacific Ocean. Mary James heard that episode and was so inspired, she created a device to help clean up the plastic in the ocean. In this episode of But Why , we learn about her invention, the mermicorn!

Download our learning guides: PDF | Google Slide

Listen back to Why Is There A Big Patch Of Garbage In the Pacific Ocean?

Kids: we'd like to know what you think could be done about all the garbage in the ocean. Download our learning guide above to draw a picture or describe an invention you would make to help clean it all up.

Mary James sent her picture of the mermicorn to the Little Inventors competition , for Canadian children. See Mary's entry here . Her invention has been chosen from among hundreds of other submissions to be turned into a prototype, a model of what the real thing might look like. There are Little Inventors competitions in the UK as well, and lots of countries and organizations sponsor design challenges for kids. See if you can find one where you live!

In 2019, we answered a question about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a huge mass of plastic and other trash swirling around in the Pacific Ocean. Mary James heard that episode and was so inspired, she created a device to help clean up the plastic in the ocean. In this episode of But Why , we learn about her invention, the mermicorn!

Download our learning guides: PDF | Google Slide | Transcript

Listen back to Why Is There A Big Patch Of Garbage In the Pacific Ocean?

Kids: we'd like to know what you think could be done about all the garbage in the ocean. Download our learning guide above to draw a picture or describe an invention you would make to help clean it all up.

Mary James sent her picture of the mermicorn to the Little Inventors competition , for Canadian children. See Mary's entry here . Her invention has been chosen from among hundreds of other submissions to be turned into a prototype, a model of what the real thing might look like. There are Little Inventors competitions in the UK as well, and lots of countries and organizations sponsor design challenges for kids. See if you can find one where you live!