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Obrázek epizody How do axolotls regrow parts of their bodies–including their brains?

But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

Vermont Public Radio

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How do axolotls regrow parts of their bodies–including their brains?

Obrázek epizody How do axolotls regrow parts of their bodies–including their brains?

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27. 1. 2023

21 min

In addition to having faces that look like a smiley emoticon, axolotls are as fascinating to scientific researchers as they are to kids because of their amazing ability to regenerate parts of their bodies, including their brains! In this episode we answer kids' questions about these curious salamanders with Dr. Randal Voss, a professor at the University of Kentucky. That lab alone has thousands of axolotls, but these creatures are critically endangered in the wild, where they live exclusively in the depleted and polluted waterways of Mexico City’s Lake Xochimilco. Questions we tackle in this episode: How do axolotls regrow parts of their brains? What did axolotls evolve from? Can axolotls survive out of water?

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