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Obrázek epizody AEE 1644: Let's Pencil It In! How to Make Tentative Plans in English

All Ears English Podcast

Lindsay McMahon and Michelle Kaplan





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AEE 1644: Let's Pencil It In! How to Make Tentative Plans in English

Obrázek epizody AEE 1644: Let's Pencil It In! How to Make Tentative Plans in English

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15. 9. 2021

15 min

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Sometimes when you make plans you need to say that they are not 100% firm. How can you do that in a tactful and polite way so that there are no misunderstandings? Find out today

Subscribe to the transcripts at   Sometimes when you make plans you need to say that they are not 100% firm. How can you do that in a tactful and polite way so that there are no misunderstandings? Find out today Learn more about your ad choices. Visit