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Obrázek epizody AEE 1642: Would You Apply for a Job on TikTok?

All Ears English Podcast

Lindsay McMahon and Michelle Kaplan





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AEE 1642: Would You Apply for a Job on TikTok?

Obrázek epizody AEE 1642: Would You Apply for a Job on TikTok?

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13. 9. 2021

15 min

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In today's episode we review an article about a new trend where people are submitting video resumes on TikTok. What does this mean for the future of business and job applications? Get our take today.

Subscribe to the transcripts at   In today's episode we review an article about a new trend where people are submitting video resumes on TikTok. What does this mean for the future of business and job applications? Get our take today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit