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Obrázek epizody We Cannot Heal Alone with Rabbi Sharon Brous

A Bit of Optimism

Simon Sinek



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We Cannot Heal Alone with Rabbi Sharon Brous

Obrázek epizody We Cannot Heal Alone with Rabbi Sharon Brous

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9. 4. 2024

45 min

O epizodě podcastu

Loneliness is now an epidemic, with devastating impacts on our health. How can we rekindle the deep human connection we need now more than ever?

For Rabbi Sharon Brous, this question is the focus of her work. Considered one of the most influential rabbis in the U.S., she's founded her own congregation and has led multiple White House faith events. In her new book, The Amen Effect, Sharon explores how grief and heartbreak can be gateways to truly seeing each other.

Sharon and I talk about what it means to be present to someone else's pain and how a 2,000-year old ritual taught her the meaning of healing together. A Bit of Optimism.

For more on Sharon and her work, check out:

her book The Amen Effect

her congregation iKAR

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Loneliness is now an epidemic, with devastating impacts on our health. How can we rekindle the deep human connection we need now more than ever?For Rabbi Sharon Brous, this question is the focus of her work. Considered one of the most influential rabbis in the U.S., she's founded her own congregation and has led multiple White House faith events. In her new book, The Amen Effect, Sharon explores how grief and heartbreak can be gateways to truly seeing each other.Sharon and I talk about what it means to be present to someone else's pain and how a 2,000-year old ritual taught her the meaning of healing together. A Bit of Optimism.For more on Sharon and her work, check out:her book The Amen Effecther congregation iKAR