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Obrázek epizody This is... A Bit of Optimism

A Bit of Optimism

Simon Sinek



Osobní rozvoj





This is... A Bit of Optimism

Obrázek epizody This is... A Bit of Optimism

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26. 5. 2020

56 sec

O epizodě podcastu

During these times, we are all having to find new ways to connect.  Starting June 1, join me every week from my kitchen table as I talk with people that inspire me, about love, life, leadership and silver linings. The hope is that we all leave with something I think we need these days… A Bit of Optimism.

During these times, we are all having to find new ways to connect.  Starting June 1, join me every week from my kitchen table as I talk with people that inspire me, about love, life, leadership and silver linings. The hope is that we all leave with something I think we need these days… A Bit of Optimism.

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