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Obrázek epizody How to Live to 100 with Blue Zones explorer Dan Buettner

A Bit of Optimism

Simon Sinek



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How to Live to 100 with Blue Zones explorer Dan Buettner

Obrázek epizody How to Live to 100 with Blue Zones explorer Dan Buettner

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19. 3. 2024

52 min

O epizodě podcastu

Most of us would count ourselves lucky to live to age 80. And yet, there are places on Earth where people regularly live to 100, suffer virtually no chronic disease, and live life with a sense of purpose.

These "Blue Zones" are the focus of Dan Buettner's work. He's a National Geographic explorer, an author, and a documentarian. He spent years traveling and studying the Blue Zones to understand why these 5 places on Earth produce some of the happiest, and longest-lived, people in the world.

Dan and I discuss why happiness is the key to longevity, creating Blue Zones in our own lives, and how a longer life can begin with simply rearranging your kitchen. A Bit of Optimism.

For more on Dan Buettner and his work, check out:

his Netflix documentary Live to 100: The Secrets of the Blue Zones


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Most of us would count ourselves lucky to live to age 80. And yet, there are places on Earth where people regularly live to 100, suffer virtually no chronic disease, and live life with a sense of purpose. These "Blue Zones" are the focus of Dan Buettner's work. He's a National Geographic explorer, an author, and a documentarian. He spent years traveling and studying the Blue Zones to understand why these 5 places on Earth produce some of the happiest, and longest-lived, people in the world. Dan and I discuss why happiness is the key to longevity, creating Blue Zones in our own lives, and how a longer life can begin with simply rearranging your A Bit of Optimism.For more on Dan Buettner and his work, check out:his Netflix documentary Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zonesor