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Obrázek epizody Happily Friended with author Rhaina Cohen

A Bit of Optimism

Simon Sinek



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Happily Friended with author Rhaina Cohen

Obrázek epizody Happily Friended with author Rhaina Cohen

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30. 4. 2024

36 min

O epizodě podcastu

Society treats marriage like the end goal of human intimacy. Platonic friends can never be as important as romantic partners.

What would life look like if we made friendship the goal? Journalist and producer Rhaina Cohen tackles this question in her book The Other Significant Others. She tells the stories of people who made platonic friends the closest people in their lives, doing things together like buying houses, executing a will, and raising children.

I wanted to talk with Rhaina because redefining what friendship means in our lives lets us connect in new and deeper ways outside the rigid boundaries of a marriage or relationship. And it might take the pressure off our romantic partners to fulfill every one of our social needs. A Bit of Optimism.

To learn more about Rhaina and her work, check out:

her book The Other Significant Others

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Society treats marriage like the end goal of human intimacy. Platonic friends can never be as important as romantic partners. What would life look like if we made friendship the goal? Journalist and producer Rhaina Cohen tackles this question in her book The Other Significant Others. She tells the stories of people who made platonic friends the closest people in their lives, doing things together like buying houses, executing a will, and raising children. I wanted to talk with Rhaina because redefining what friendship means in our lives lets us connect in new and deeper ways outside the rigid boundaries of a marriage or relationship. And it might take the pressure off our romantic partners to fulfill every one of our social A Bit of Optimism.To learn more about Rhaina and her work, check out:rhainacohen.comher book The Other Significant Others