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Obrázek epizody Creating Astonishment with Chicago Bears CEO Kevin Warren

A Bit of Optimism

Simon Sinek



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Creating Astonishment with Chicago Bears CEO Kevin Warren

Obrázek epizody Creating Astonishment with Chicago Bears CEO Kevin Warren

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22. 10. 2024

56 min

Astonishment. A feeling of amazement so powerful you have to stop in wonder. As President and CEO of the Chicago Bears, Kevin Warren's job is to astonish people with sports moments they'll never forget. A veteran executive of professional football, he's also served as COO of the Minnesota Vikings and Commissioner of the Big Ten Conference. For Kevin, helping others experience the magic of the Bears starts with finding his own astonishment. He shares with me why ambitious high-performers need to slow down and appreciate the little things if they want to become better leaders and happier human A Bit of Optimism.For more on Kevin and his work, check out:Kevin's Chicago Bears bio