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20. 9. 2024, svátek má Oleg, zítra Matouš

+ 2:25:28
Obrázek epizody Dr. Susanna Søberg: How to Use Cold & Heat Exposure to Improve Your Health

Huberman Lab

Dr. Susanna Søberg: How to Use Cold & Heat Exposure to Improve Your Health

15. 5. 2023

2 hod 25 min

+ 4:30:06
Obrázek epizody How Psilocybin Can Rewire Our Brain, Its Therapeutic Benefits & Its Risks

Huberman Lab

How Psilocybin Can Rewire Our Brain, Its Therapeutic Benefits & Its Risks

8. 5. 2023

2 hod 4 min

+ 7:39:23
Obrázek epizody Dr. Noam Sobel: How Smells Influence Our Hormones, Health & Behavior

Huberman Lab

Dr. Noam Sobel: How Smells Influence Our Hormones, Health & Behavior

1. 5. 2023

3 hod 9 min

+ 8:15:36
Obrázek epizody AMA #6: Eye Health, Why We Yawn & Increasing Motivation

Huberman Lab

AMA #6: Eye Health, Why We Yawn & Increasing Motivation

27. 4. 2023

36 min

+ 10:11:02
Obrázek epizody Science-Based Mental Training & Visualization for Improved Learning

Huberman Lab

Science-Based Mental Training & Visualization for Improved Learning

24. 4. 2023

1 hod 55 min

+ 12:08:11
Obrázek epizody Dr. Matthew MacDougall: Neuralink & Technologies to Enhance Human Brains

Huberman Lab

Dr. Matthew MacDougall: Neuralink & Technologies to Enhance Human Brains

17. 4. 2023

1 hod 57 min

+ 14:08:10
Obrázek epizody The Science of Healthy Hair, Hair Loss and How to Regrow Hair

Huberman Lab

The Science of Healthy Hair, Hair Loss and How to Regrow Hair

10. 4. 2023

1 hod 59 min

+ 16:09:01
Obrázek epizody Dr. Elissa Epel: Control Stress for Healthy Eating, Metabolism & Aging

Huberman Lab

Dr. Elissa Epel: Control Stress for Healthy Eating, Metabolism & Aging

3. 4. 2023

2 hod 0 min

+ 18:02:53
Obrázek epizody Leverage Dopamine to Overcome Procrastination & Optimize Effort

Huberman Lab

Leverage Dopamine to Overcome Procrastination & Optimize Effort

27. 3. 2023

1 hod 53 min

+ 18:26:19
Obrázek epizody AMA #5: Intrusive Thoughts, CGMs, Behavioral Change, Naps & NSDR

Huberman Lab

AMA #5: Intrusive Thoughts, CGMs, Behavioral Change, Naps & NSDR

24. 3. 2023

23 min

+ 21:51:05
Obrázek epizody Dr. Peter Attia: Improve Vitality, Emotional & Physical Health & Lifespan

Huberman Lab

Dr. Peter Attia: Improve Vitality, Emotional & Physical Health & Lifespan

20. 3. 2023

3 hod 24 min

+ 24:34:53
Obrázek epizody Dr. Satchin Panda: Intermittent Fasting to Improve Health, Cognition & Longevity

Huberman Lab

Dr. Satchin Panda: Intermittent Fasting to Improve Health, Cognition & Longevity

13. 3. 2023

2 hod 43 min

+ 26:52:13
Obrázek epizody How to Optimize Your Water Quality & Intake for Health

Huberman Lab

How to Optimize Your Water Quality & Intake for Health

6. 3. 2023

2 hod 17 min

+ 29:19:21
Obrázek epizody Dr. Oded Rechavi: Genes & the Inheritance of Memories Across Generations

Huberman Lab

Dr. Oded Rechavi: Genes & the Inheritance of Memories Across Generations

27. 2. 2023

2 hod 27 min

+ 29:42:34
Obrázek epizody AMA #4: Maintain Motivation, Improve REM Sleep, Set Goals, Manage Anxiety & More

Huberman Lab

AMA #4: Maintain Motivation, Improve REM Sleep, Set Goals, Manage Anxiety & More

24. 2. 2023

23 min

+ 32:48:07
Obrázek epizody GUEST SERIES | Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Nutrition & Supplementation for Fitness

Huberman Lab

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Nutrition & Supplementation for Fitness

22. 2. 2023

3 hod 5 min

+ 35:02:12
Obrázek epizody How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance

Huberman Lab

How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance

20. 2. 2023

2 hod 14 min

+ 35:50:51
Obrázek epizody Zeptali jste se... operátora tísňové linky 112

Zeptali jste se...

Zeptali jste se... operátora tísňové linky 112

15. 2. 2023

48 min

+ 38:55:56
Obrázek epizody GUEST SERIES | Dr. Andy Galpin: Maximize Recovery to Achieve Fitness & Performance Goals

Huberman Lab

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Andy Galpin: Maximize Recovery to Achieve Fitness & Performance Goals

15. 2. 2023

3 hod 5 min

+ 40:56:32
Obrázek epizody Dr. Gina Poe: Use Sleep to Enhance Learning, Memory & Emotional State

Huberman Lab

Dr. Gina Poe: Use Sleep to Enhance Learning, Memory & Emotional State

13. 2. 2023

2 hod 0 min

+ 44:02:39
Obrázek epizody GUEST SERIES | Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimize Your Training Program for Fitness & Longevity

Huberman Lab

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimize Your Training Program for Fitness & Longevity

8. 2. 2023

3 hod 6 min

+ 46:23:53
Obrázek epizody How to Stop Headaches Using Science-Based Approaches

Huberman Lab

How to Stop Headaches Using Science-Based Approaches

6. 2. 2023

2 hod 21 min

+ 50:12:45
Obrázek epizody GUEST SERIES | Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Physical Endurance & Lose Fat

Huberman Lab

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Physical Endurance & Lose Fat

1. 2. 2023

3 hod 48 min

+ 52:43:06
Obrázek epizody Dr. Sara Gottfried: How to Optimize Female Hormone Health for Vitality & Longevity

Huberman Lab

Dr. Sara Gottfried: How to Optimize Female Hormone Health for Vitality & Longevity

30. 1. 2023

2 hod 30 min

+ 57:22:29
Obrázek epizody GUEST SERIES | Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Protocols to Build Strength & Grow Muscles

Huberman Lab

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Protocols to Build Strength & Grow Muscles

25. 1. 2023

4 hod 39 min