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Obrázek podcastu Z.M.R.D.: Zřídka morální redditové diskuze

Podcast Z.M.R.D.: Zřídka morální redditové diskuze

2 epizod

1 odběratel

Welcome to Z.M.R.D.: Zřídka morální redditové diskuze, a podcast where we dive into the most dramatic and hilarious moral dilemmas from Reddit’s AITA (Am I the A**hole) community. Each episode, hosts dissect the juiciest stories, vote on who’s right or wrong, and bring the chaos of Reddit’s debates to life in Czech. With sharp humor, unfiltered opinions, and relatable drama, we explore the question: Who’s the real jerk here? Tune in for laughs, heated discussions, and the thrill of judging internet strangers!