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Obrázek epizody James Harries: If you play a tour with 20 shows, 18 are great, one is so-so, and one is just weird!

What The Czech

Youradio Talk



Osobní rozvoj

James Harries: If you play a tour with 20 shows, 18 are great, one is so-so, and one is just weird!

Obrázek epizody James Harries: If you play a tour with 20 shows, 18 are great, one is so-so, and one is just weird!

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12. 6. 2020

32 min

British singer-songwriter James Harries has lived in the Czech Republic for roughly twenty years. His new album, Superstition, received rave reviews from Czech critics, even though the song lyrics are in English. James was subsequently awarded the Wildcard of the year prize at Evropa 2 radio’s annual music awards. What brought James to the Czech Republic in the first place? How does he find working with Czech musicians? And how did he manage to contribute to the soundtrack on one of the Czech Republic’s best-known films? Find out in this latest episode of What The Czech!