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Obrázek epizody Ronnie and Jitka Stiles: We normally give ourselves three years to really get to know a place

What The Czech

Youradio Talk



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Ronnie and Jitka Stiles: We normally give ourselves three years to really get to know a place

Obrázek epizody Ronnie and Jitka Stiles: We normally give ourselves three years to really get to know a place

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7. 9. 2020

23 min

O epizodě podcastu

Few life stories are quite as remarkable as that of married couple Ronnie and Jitka Stiles. Having met in Canada in the mid-1990s, Ronnie and Jitka's careers have taken them to the United States, the Czech Republic, China, and now Ghana. What have they learnt from working in four different continents? Why was Jitka’s first trip to Canada such an emotional experience? What advice would Ronnie give to people who are also looking to live abroad? Find out on this next episode of What The Czech!