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2. 8. 2019

6 min

Elizabeth Bluntová z Freetownu: General Agwai was in Freetown to meet the battalion going to Liberia and to give them a pep talk on the eve of their deployment. These men have already completed a full tour of duty with the United Nations force in Sierra Leone and had been due to return home. Now they are being sent as the vanguard of an international force to bring peace to Liberia. General Agwai reminded them that they were going as peacekeepers and although they had a mandate to defend themselves if attacked, they were not going to Liberia to fight against any of the factions. He will do everything in his power to make sure they could carry out their task with the least possible danger to themselves, he said. He didn't want to have to bring home a single Nigerian coffin. VOCABULARYa pep talk - proslov, který má vzpružit, podpořit; povzbuzující řeč on the eve of - v předvečer deployment - rozmístění vojenských sil a full tour of duty - odsloužený turnus vanguard - předvoj a mandate to defend - mandát k obraně faction - frakce