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Obrázek epizody Egypt's New Royal Tomb Discovery with Dr. Chris Naunton. What's next?

The History of Egypt Podcast

Dominic Perry




Egypt's New Royal Tomb Discovery with Dr. Chris Naunton. What's next?

Obrázek epizody Egypt's New Royal Tomb Discovery with Dr. Chris Naunton. What's next?

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40 min

News from the Field 2025, Part 1. In February 2025, the breaking news was the discovery of a royal tomb. An archaeological mission working in Luxor are confident they have located the grave of King Thutmose II. The tomb itself was discovered in late 2022, and the team announced it publicly in early 2024. I reported on that initial find in the news roundup for that year. Now, another season has passed, and the team’s work has come to fruition... I am also joined by Dr. Chris Naunton, former Director of the Egypt Exploration Society, who was discussed the new find on his blog, and joins us to share some wider context and speculation. Music interludes by Keith Zizza and Luke Chaos. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit