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Obrázek epizody The Difference Between Practical Positivity and Delusion

The GaryVee Audio Experience

Gary Vaynerchuk




The Difference Between Practical Positivity and Delusion

Obrázek epizody The Difference Between Practical Positivity and Delusion

Poslechněte si podcast

20. 11. 2023

5 min

O epizodě podcastu

Positivity matters. Understanding that positivity is rooted in practicality, not delusion, is a major factor in your happiness and success, as well as in the lives of those around you. On today's episode of the podcast, I'm sharing a throwback to a quick chat I had with Crisco Kidd. We talk about everything from AI in education to kindness. I hope you enjoy!

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Positivity matters. Understanding that positivity is rooted in practicality, not delusion, is a major factor in your happiness and success, as well as in the lives of those around you. On today's episode of the podcast, I'm sharing a throwback to a quick chat I had with Crisco Kidd. We talk about everything from AI in education to kindness. I hope you enjoy!