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Obrázek epizody The Best Things to do When Starting a Business | Q&A

The GaryVee Audio Experience

Gary Vaynerchuk




The Best Things to do When Starting a Business | Q&A

Obrázek epizody The Best Things to do When Starting a Business | Q&A

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19 min

🔥 How to Start a Business (Even If You Think You Can’t)Starting a business? You need to hear this. In this episode, I break down the best way to start—from working for someone in your industry to making sure you actually like what you're doing. Trust me, if you're only in it for the money, you're going to quit.We also dive into:✅ Why procrastination is actually a sign you’re in the wrong game✅ The REAL reason businesses fail (it’s not marketing)✅ AI fears vs. AI opportunities (HUGE perspective shift)✅ How I deal with burnout—and the one thing I wish for every young person✅ Why failing in business is actually a good thingPlus, I get real about the hustle mindset, making money young, and how to actually shift your perspective to stop feeling stuck.🎧 Hit play and let’s get into it!📍 Follow the podcast here first:📌 @garyveeaudioexperience📍 Follow me here:📌 Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | TikTok | Twitter/X | YouTube