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Obrázek epizody If You Have 10,000 Followers on Social Media You Own a Business | GVTV Classic

The GaryVee Audio Experience

Gary Vaynerchuk




If You Have 10,000 Followers on Social Media You Own a Business | GVTV Classic

Obrázek epizody If You Have 10,000 Followers on Social Media You Own a Business | GVTV Classic

Poslechněte si podcast

22. 9. 2021

14 min

O epizodě podcastu

Today's episode is a classic segment from GaryVeeTV! The game is all about underpriced attention. The platforms will always evolve and change but the idea of underpriced attention will remain. Attention from radio shifted to television, and now the attention on television has shifted to social media and the internet as a whole. Never get romantic about the platform but always be looking for what has people's attention.

Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

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Text Me! 212-931-5731

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Checkout my new co-hosted podcast with DraftKing’s founder--Matt Kalish on all things sports, business, and alternative investing:

Today's episode is a classic segment from GaryVeeTV! The game is all about underpriced attention. The platforms will always evolve and change but the idea of underpriced attention will remain. Attention from radio shifted to television, and now the attention on television has shifted to social media and the internet as a whole. Never get romantic about the platform but always be looking for what has people's attention.

Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

Tweet Me! @garyvee

Text Me! 212-931-5731

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Check out my new NFT project:

Join the VeeFriends Discord:

Checkout my new co-hosted podcast with DraftKing’s founder--Matt Kalish on all things sports, business, and alternative investing:

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