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Obrázek epizody AI’s Role in the Future Workplace | A Conversation with Indeed CMO Jessica Jensen

The GaryVee Audio Experience

Gary Vaynerchuk




AI’s Role in the Future Workplace | A Conversation with Indeed CMO Jessica Jensen

Obrázek epizody AI’s Role in the Future Workplace | A Conversation with Indeed CMO Jessica Jensen

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2. 10. 2024

11 min

In this episode, I sit down with Jessica Jensen, CMO of Indeed, to talk about how AI and social media are completely changing the way we work. We dive into the rise of generative AI, like ChatGPT, and how it's disrupting industries and shaping productivity. Social media is more than just a platform—it's an empty vessel that people and businesses are using to influence perceptions and drive decisions. We also explore the future of job searching, the attention economy, and why businesses need to adapt to survive in this new era. If you're looking to understand how to stay ahead in a world dominated by AI and social media, this conversation is for you.