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Obrázek epizody English: The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway 1

Teorie školy

Filip Janeček




English: The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway 1

Obrázek epizody English: The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway 1

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1. 4. 2020

38 min

This is the first episode of the Read English series where I am going to read The Old Man and the Sea book and translate it into czech (Stařec a moře).- - - Ernest (česky Ernst) Hemingway - american writer and adventurer - iceberg theory, impersonator of the Lost Generation, conflicts with his mother - leaves home, writes for a press - impacts his work, ambulance driver during World War I. - after war - Safari, 1939 moves to Cuba, World War II. in Europe, 1952 The Old Man and the Sea, 1954 Nobel prize (for him personally extremely valuable), 1961 suicide, WORK - THE COMPLETE SHORT STORIES OF ERNEST HEMINGWAY (česky povídky) - autobiography - boy Nick Adams turns into a real man in the wild, macho FIESTA - veterans from WWI are trying to align with the daily life, A FAREWELL TO ARMS (česky sbohem armádo) - the italian line - first person view - american soldier Henry, FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS (česky Komu zvoní hrana) - experience from the Spanish civil war, THE GREEN HILLS OF AFRICA (česky Zelené pahorky africké) - hunter memories, on Safari, THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA - short novel, Nobel prize 1952, motive - Cuban fishermen - fisherman Samtiago, Hemingway avoids rating the story - unpersonalized, the Iceberg theory - - - TEXT - VOCABULARY - cove - zátoka, hard-braided - natvrdo spletený, gaff - železný hák, stern - záď