English: Expressing your feelings
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12. 3. 2020
8 min
Alarmed/cautious, ambbused, anxious/fearful, ashamed/humiliated, bitter/heartless/merciless, content/satisfied, disappointed/discontent/unsatisfactory, disillusioned/disenchanted, envious/jealous, exasperated/irritated, frustrated/ fed up, hysterical/exorbitant, indecisive/unsure, miserable/wretched, stressed/hurrying, stunned/amazed/flabbergasted/impressed, thrilled/rapturous, upbeat/optimistic IDIOMS - I have blown my top - furious. I am on edge - anxious, stressed. His singing gets on my nerves ( něco mi jde na nervy) - irritated, exasperated. He has been green with envy - envious ( zezelenal závistí). After losing his job, he also lost his face - ashamed, humiliated. I am, but this is imposdible - I am tearing my hair out - exasperated, frustrated. I am in two minds about buying that car - indecisive.