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Obrázek epizody We can make COVID-19 the last pandemic | Bill Gates

TED Talks Daily







We can make COVID-19 the last pandemic | Bill Gates

Obrázek epizody We can make COVID-19 the last pandemic | Bill Gates

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22. 4. 2022

14 min

Building a pandemic-free future won't be easy, but Bill Gates believes that we have the tools and strategies to make it possible -- now we just have to fund them. In this forward-looking talk, he proposes a multi-specialty Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization (GERM) team that would detect potential outbreaks and stop them from becoming pandemics. By investing in disease monitoring, research and development as well as improved health systems, Gates believes we can "create a world where everyone has a chance to live a healthy and productive life -- a life free from the fear of the next COVID-19."