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Obrázek epizody The crime-fighting power of cross-border investigative journalism | Bektour Iskender

TED Talks Daily







The crime-fighting power of cross-border investigative journalism | Bektour Iskender

Obrázek epizody The crime-fighting power of cross-border investigative journalism | Bektour Iskender

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13. 5. 2022

11 min

Organized crime operates across national borders -- to keep up, investigative journalists need to do the same. TED Fellow Bektour Iskender gives the inside scoop on his efforts to unveil secret, insidious operations in his home country of Kyrgyzstan, and how he worked with a team of journalists to uncover corruption and spark a national movement. He shares three key insights on how global networks of investigative journalists protect the world not just from smugglers and thieves but from dictators and warmongers.