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Obrázek epizody Quantum computers aren’t what you think — they’re cooler | Hartmut Neven

TED Talks Daily







Quantum computers aren’t what you think — they’re cooler | Hartmut Neven

Obrázek epizody Quantum computers aren’t what you think — they’re cooler | Hartmut Neven

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17. 7. 2024

11 min

O epizodě podcastu

Quantum computers obtain superpowers by tapping into parallel universes, says Hartmut Neven, the founder and lead of Google Quantum AI. He explains how this emerging tech far surpasses traditional computers by relying on quantum physics rather than binary logic, performing multiple computations at once, and shares a roadmap to build the ultimate quantum computer. Learn how this fascinating and powerful tech could soon help humanity take on seemingly unsolvable problems in medicine, sustainable energy, AI, neuroscience and more.
Quantum computers obtain superpowers by tapping into parallel universes, says Hartmut Neven, the founder and lead of Google Quantum AI. He explains how this emerging tech can far surpass traditional computers by relying on quantum physics rather than binary logic, and shares a roadmap to build the ultimate quantum computer. Learn how this fascinating and powerful tech can help humanity take on seemingly unsolvable problems in medicine, sustainable energy, AI, neuroscience and more.