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Obrázek epizody How will Icelandic survive the digital age? | Far Flung

TED Talks Daily







How will Icelandic survive the digital age? | Far Flung

Obrázek epizody How will Icelandic survive the digital age? | Far Flung

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5. 8. 2022

42 min

Today, an episode of Far Flung with Saleem Reshamwala, another podcast from the TED Audio Collective. Icelandic is an ancient and iconic language that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien when he wrote "The Lord of the Rings." But with the digital age, and the strict rules surrounding its grammar, Icelandic is losing ground all over the country -- specifically to English. Now Icelanders are split, using English for social and online interactions and Icelandic for more formal conversations. Listen to why some Icelanders are concerned about this linguistic tug-of-war and why others are celebrating this new, multi-language way of communicating. Saleem also sits down with Elise to give us a book recommendation that dives deeper into these ideas: "Gold Diggers" by Sanjena Sathian. This episode is part of the TED Talks Daily summer book club, a series featuring talks and interviews to inspire your next great read.