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Obrázek epizody A future worth getting excited about | Elon Musk

TED Talks Daily







A future worth getting excited about | Elon Musk

Obrázek epizody A future worth getting excited about | Elon Musk

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25. 4. 2022

25 min

What's on Elon Musk's mind? In conversation with head of TED Chris Anderson, Musk details how the radical new innovations he's working on -- Tesla's intelligent humanoid robot Optimus, SpaceX's otherworldly Starship and Neuralink's brain-machine interfaces, among others -- could help maximize the lifespan of humanity and create a world where goods and services are abundant and accessible for all. It's a compelling vision of a future worth getting excited about. (Recorded at the Tesla Texas Gigafactory on April 6, 2022)