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Obrázek epizody Unconscious 03

Takeaway English: Health – Angličtina Youradio Talk

Youradio Talk

Rádio Zet

Osobní rozvoj

Unconscious 03

Obrázek epizody Unconscious 03

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27. 7. 2019

5 min

Fiona Winster: B is for breathing. You now need to check whether that person can now breathe. So what you do is keep their airway clear, keep your fingers under the chin, and you put your face down close to theirs, so that your cheek is over their mouth, and you then look and see if you can see their chest moving up and down. You listen to see if you can hear any sounds of breathing and you feel for their breath on your cheek, and you should do that for five or ten seconds to decide whether or not there's any breathing. C is for circulation. You want to know now whether this person still has a beating heart circulating their blood around the body. You have to see if you have a pulse - it's no good feeling the pulse that we most commonly have felt, the one in the wrist, in someone who's unconscious because it can become very weak so that you can't feel it. So you have to feel the big pulse that runs down the side of the neck, and that's known as the carotid pulse. Vocabulary: to breathe/to take a breath - nadechnout se cheek - tvář, líčko chest - prsa, hrudní koš, hruď their chest moving up and down - jestli se mu hýbe hruď nahoru a dolů pulse - puls wrist - zápěstí weak - slabý the carotid pulse - krční (krkavicový) puls